Super Pac-Man (Atari 7800) - online game | (2025)


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If the game e­mu­la­ti­on spe­ed is low, you can try to in­cre­a­se it by re­lo­a­ding this pa­ge with­out a­ds or cho­o­se a­no­ther e­mu­la­tor from this table.

Other platforms:

This game can be played also in a version for DOS. We are wor­king on the others.

Game info:
Super Pac-Man (Atari 7800) - online game | (1)
box cover
Game title:Super Pac-Man
Console:Atari 7800
Author (released):Namco (1982)
Design:Toru Iwatani, Yasunori Yamashita, Bob DeCrescenzo, ...
Music:Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Game manual:manual.pdf

File size:

877 kB
Download:not available (stream only)

Game size:

15 kB
Recommended emulator:Stella
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Super Pac-Man is a 1982 maze chase arcade game developed and published by Namco. It was distributed in North America by Midway Games. Super Pac-Man is Namco's take on a sequel to the original Pac-Man; Midway had previously released Ms. Pac-Man, which Namco had little involvement with. Toru Iwatani returns as designer.
Sound and gameplay mechanics were altered radically from the first two entries into the Pac-Man series—instead of eating dots, the player is required to eat keys in order to open doors, which open up sections of the maze that contain what in earlier games were known as 'fruits' (foods such as apples and bananas, or other prizes such as Galaxian flagships), which are now the basic items that must be cleared. Once all the food is eaten, the player advances to the next level, in which the food is worth more points. In earlier levels, keys unlock nearby doors, while as the player progresses through the levels, it is more common for keys to open faraway doors. Pac-Man can enter the ghost house at any time without a key.
In addition to the original power pellets which allow Pac-Man to eat the ghosts, two 'Super' pellets are available and will turn Pac-Man into Super Pac-Man for a short time. In this form, he becomes much larger, can move with increased speed when the 'Super Speed' button is held down and has the ability to eat through doors without unlocking them. He is also invulnerable to the ghosts, who appear thin and flat in order to give the illusion of Super Pac-Man 'flying' over them. He still cannot eat them without the help of the original power-up. When Super Pac-Man is about to revert to regular Pac-Man, he flashes white. The Super power can then be prolonged by eating a power pellet or super pellet, if available.
A point bonus can be scored if Pac-Man eats a star that appears between the two center boxes while assorted symbols flash inside them. Usually, one symbol stops while the other continues until the star is eaten, a life is lost, or too much time elapses. If the star is eaten when two symbols match, the bonus is 2000 points for any match, and 5000 points if the matching symbols are the same as the level being played. Otherwise, the bonus is similar to the award for eating a ghost, which is 200, 400, 800 or 1600 points, depending on the level. (On some versions, higher levels might pay out the 2000 or 5000 points no matter what the symbols are.)
Bonus levels appear at intervals. Here, the player is presented with a maze full of food items and must eat them all in order to collect the points on a countdown timer. Pac-Man appears in Super Mode throughout the stage, and there are no ghosts.

More details about this game can be found on

For fans and collectors:
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Find digital download of this game on GOGorSteam.

Videogame Console:

Super Pac-Man (Atari 7800) - online game | (2)This ver­sion of Super Pac-Man was de­sig­ned for A­ta­ri 7800, which was vi­deo ga­me con­so­le of third ge­ne­ra­tion ma­nu­fac­tu­red by A­ta­ri in the years 1984 - 1992. It was ful­ly back­ward-com­pa­ti­ble with the A­ta­ri 2600 with si­g­ni­fi­cant­ly im­pro­ved gra­phics hard­wa­re.How­e­ver, the con­so­le was not suc­ces­s­ful and less than 4 mil­li­on u­nits at a u­nit pri­ce of $ 80 we­re sold. Al­so the cur­rent ga­mes li­bra­ry con­tai­nes less than 100 ga­mes de­sig­ned for A­ta­ri 7800. Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on a­bout the this con­so­le can be found here.

Recommended Game Controllers:

You can control this game easily by using the keyboard of your PC (see the table next to the game). However, for maximum gaming enjoyment, we strongly recommend using a USB gamepad that you simply plug into the USB port of your computer. If you do not have a gamepad, buy a suitable USB controller in Amazon or AliExpress or in some of your favorite online stores.

Available online emulators:

3 different online emulators are available for Super Pac-Man. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic features of each emulator available for this game Super Pac-Man are summarized in the following table:

EmulatorTechnologyMultiplayerUSB gamepadTouchscreenWithout ads

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Super Pac-Man (Atari 7800) - online game | (2025)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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